It's something I need.
I ask that no one take this post personally as it's not an attack on anyone or their choices.
It's purely a personal reflection on my own problems and failures.
I've tried to quit smoking many times.
There have been at least a half dozen times where I've flushed whatever I had down the drain.
I try to separate myself from cannabis, but it calls me back for comfort through temptation.
I've never turned to anyone for help on this, and haven't talked about it much.
It's a bit embarrassing.
People say cannabis isn't addictive, and they might be right.
Perhaps escaping from reality and hiding from one's own fears is the addictive thing.
It's easy to paint a smile on and to feel a counterfeit sense of joy and happiness when you're getting high.
The a-motivational side effect, though, has squandered my potential for almost 20 years now, though.
The longest times that I have kept away from getting high were in long term relationships.
It's probably only been about 18 months over the last 18 years that I haven't been getting high just about every day.
I have had a love affair with cannabis since I was maybe 16.
I can talk about it for hours - and it has played a central role in my young adult life, even up to now.
I chose to get into glass art because it is a cannabis-adjacent field.
I worked in the medical cannabis industry for 5+ years.
It's a powerful medicine when used properly by those who need it.
Swiss physician Paracelsus wrote:
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison."
I'm not sick.
I may have feelings I need to confront, but putting the same band aid over them for two decades is not going to heal them.
I do want to quit.
I hope you're cheering me on.
I have the potential to be so much more than I have chosen to be.
Am I exceedingly grateful for my accomplishments?
But I still know I'm selling myself short.
I expect much from myself, but none of it is beyond my ability.
Physical health and fitness, a healthy and diligent working life, mental clarity.
All of these things are within my grasp.
In order to hold onto them, though, I need to let go of the things that are getting in my way.
So, I'm saying farewell to smoking, to video games, and to nonsense media.
Thanks for the people who I know are praying for me.
I'm strengthened by the fact that I know I am loved and cared for.
I hope this admission is helpful to someone out there.
Time to get back to work with a smile.
With love,
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