I'm glad I destroyed all the cannabis I had.
The temptation is certainly still there.
Sometimes I find myself yearning for an altered state, though I know that I'm fine the way I am.
I'm not miserable or tortured or anything of the sort.
It's just a desire to feel a sense of euphoria - but without any good reason.
It takes no real sense of self satisfaction or pride to get a rise out of weed or alcohol.
It's a free ride to feeling good, but it's short lived and without real merit.
I'd rather earn it, so I don't have to turn to a substance to feel satisfied.
I also don't want to have to turn to a person to feel that sense of fulfillment.
This growth is about depending on myself, cultivating my strengths, being the man I want to be and should be.
It's still a struggle, but I'm getting a little better every day and feeling a little better every day.
It's funny for me to say 'still' because it's been such a short amount of time since saying no.
I got on stream again yesterday, which is a pleasant experience.
I mentioned there that I really enjoy streaming in an empty shop.
I talked a bit about how I'm very sensitive to social cues and situations.
They can really hinder my feelings, moods and motivations.
Just a 'bad vibe' or an unkind word is all it takes for me to fall apart - not always, but sometimes.
Perhaps it's an excuse I've allowed myself, because I have developed rather thick skin over the years.
The result of the thick skin is control over how I respond to the person or persons that are slighting me.
I want to respond with peace and temperance rather than add to the trouble or drama.
My feelings still hurt, though, and my self image can suffer.
That's one point that I turn to video games, media and self-medicating rather than facing reality and rising to the occasion of my responsibilities.
So, streaming is nice - because it's not a forced interaction.
I'm not forced to be in the same space with anyone - and anyone who wants to show up to spectate does so entirely voluntarily.
It's not lonely or alone, but it is very much at arms length.
I'm very grateful for that opportunity, because it's a compromise of privacy, peace and community.
Another success from yesterday was re-trying.
I had a swift start at the work I was doing - I remarked that my work was going more quickly than yesterday's.
But I realized after a number of steps were completed that I had made a mistake I couldn't turn back from.
The piece still had tens of hours of work ahead of it.
I decided to start over rather than continue forward with a flawed beginning.
The win was counted when I dusted myself off and chose to start again right then and there, rather than take a break or give up for the day.
It can be defeating to face failure, but I need to remember to stay the course.
Creating amazing works of craftsmanship is a sheer force of will - there will be failure, and the creative person must accept that.
The reward is in doing the work - and so I must continue to put the work in.
The results will come when they come.
In the meantime, I'll keep on moving forward.
Thanks for reading, and I hope my failures and success are in any way uplifting to you.
You can be the person you want to be, but it takes striving for it every day.
With love,
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